How to Use Pressure Cleaning Tactics to Conduct Patio Cleaning?

The patio at your home will go a long way to add an altogether new look and feel to your home. But then, while doing so, it takes the brunt of nature. As your patio remains exposed 24×7 to the vagaries of nature, time takes a serious toll on it. It turns shabby and dirty, dusty and filthy, thus doing just the opposite of what it is actually meant to do. A dirty patio is supposed to bring down the aesthetic value of your home. Therefore, you need to have your patio cleaned at the earliest, and for that you need to hire the best patio cleaning experts at your location. On this page, let us discuss how experts would clean your patio, with the use of pressure cleaners.

They would prepare your patio before the cleaning

The process starts with removing the furniture and other add-ons like plants, pots and other accessories from your patio. Pressure cleaning, as the name suggests, is all about cleaning the patio using water pressure. Thus, you need to remove all the stuff from the patio before you begin the cleaning. This will help the cleaners to get the open floor of the patio to conduct the cleaning unabated.

Once the removal of the stuff is done from the floor of the patio, the professionals offering patio cleaning in Bristol will commence the cleaning. They will connect their pressure washer to the main water supply line and ensure there is a steady flow of water all throughout.

They will spray detergent on the patio floor

The professionals will then mix the washing product with water in a 2-5% mixing ratio in a dispenser bottle and sprinkle the solution over the entire floor area. Once done, they will allow the solution to settle for 15 to 20 minutes. This is a very important step, as this will soften all the stubborn stains and help in proper removal of the same. It will also help in the removal of all the dirt from the patio.

Pressure Washing

Finally, this is time for pressure cleaning by the specialists who are into pressure washing in Bath. These professionals are highly qualified and would follow the right tactics to ensure the best cleaning. They will start from one end of your patio and they will make their way across it, spraying in one direction and then the other. While cleaning, they will continue rinsing them periodically, so that the water drains out easily. Once one end of the patio deck is done with, they will start the other side and drain out the water in a similar way, so that the dirt does not wash back onto your freshly cleaned patio.

Once the cleaning has been done the professionals will spray a conditioner and sealer solution on the deck and leave it like that for 2 to 3 hours till the cleaner dries out. This is to ensure that the sealants that might have been moved out during cleaning are restored.

We at Bristol Blast Away follow the same procedure and hence, we are the best to put stakes on. Call us to book an appointment if you are looking forward to cleaning your patio.