Surfaces That Can Best Be Cleaned by High Pressure Cleaning

Amongst all the types of cleaning methods, high pressure cleaning is considered to be the most economical, effective and the quickest methods of cleaning. However, pressure washing has to be conducted by highly trained and qualified experts to ensure you get the best out of the cleaning. The reason being, not every surface can be pressure-cleaned.

Only some can be cleaned and it is up to the pressure cleaners to take into account the type of surface to be cleaned and apply the required method and pressure to conduct the cleaning safely and effectively, without affecting the structural integrity of the surface in question. On this page let us discuss the surfaces that are best cleaned by pressure washing.

Concrete driveways and paveways

The most common way of cleaning the concrete driveways and paveways is pressure cleaning. These surfaces gather a lot of dirt and dust over time. The paveways would accumulate not only dust and dirt, but they will get into the crevices and cracks of the outer surfaces, thus giving birth to grasses and weeds. Besides, they also accumulate a lot of moss, which when wet makes the surfaces dangerously slippery.

Pressure cleaning will not only remove the superficial dirt and dust, but will also remove all these unwelcome elements and that also without affecting the structural integrity of the surface. The experts offering high pressure cleaning in Bath will exert calculative and controlled water pressure to ensure no harm is done to the surface.

The driveways on the other hand gather a lot of oil, grease and grime as ‘droppings’ from the vehicles, not to mention the common dirt, dust and other ills. The oil and grime gets too stubborn to be removed otherwise. The experts will use all their acumen and expertise to conduct the cleaning.


This is a very intricate process and demands a very high degree of expertise from the window cleaning professionals. Window cleaning is not just about cleaning the window panes but the other parts of the windows as well. They will use controlled water pressure to clean the various exterior window parts, particularly when the window is located at a height and beyond the reach. The process is an intricate one with the professionals offering pressure washing in Bath ensuring the pane is damaged and the paint on the frame and other parts of the window is not peeled off.

House Exterior and fencing 

The fencing and the exterior surfaces of the buildings gather a lot of dirt and dust over time. Moss, mould and mildew also gather at times, making the building shabby. This is where pressure cleaning will come in handy. The experts will take into account the materials the fence and the walls are made up of, calculate the water pressure and exert it on the surfaces and remove all these ills and that also without affecting the surface paints.

The other surfaces that are cleaned by pressure washing include outdoor furniture, decks and patios, umbrellas, shade sails, kids playing equipment and the likes.

Bristol Blast Away is the best name to hire for pressure washing if you are in and around Bristol. Call us 07478 605 150 to book our service at the earliest.