Paint Removal Bristol

Why Should You Hire Professionals for Paint Removal?

Are you planning to have the old paint on the surfaces removed yourself before the arrival of the professionals? If so, then dump the idea immediately. Paint removal is extremely risky, and it is a specialist’s job. Go through the page to learn the reasons behind it.

Paint removal is an indispensable part of repainting a surface. But for perfect and comprehensive paint removal, the very purpose of painting will go down the drain. That is why the best painters will always opt for comprehensive paint removal before painting surfaces anew. However, it is a task that is easier said than done. Not only does paint removal require the use of specialised cleaning tools, but the experts also need to take certain safety measures to ward off dangers and detrimental factors. On this page, let us discuss the safety measures that the experts take while conducting paint removal.

Using proper ventilation

One of the main chemicals that are used by professionals for paint removal in Bristol is methylene chloride. It evaporates quickly and then dissipates into the air. So if the professionals work in enclosed spaces without any ventilation, they are exposed to the risk of inhaling toxic fumes. To avoid this highly risky phenomenon, professionals make sure that they have adequate ventilation at the place of their work. In case the paint removal is carried out indoors, the professionals ensure that there are adequate vents and fans to circulate the air, taking the indoor air out and replacing it with outdoor fresh air from outside.

In the event that there is no possibility of any provision for vents or exhaust fans, a PAPR, or Powered Air Purifying Respirator, or self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) must be used by professionals.

Using protective clothing 

Prolonged exposure to methylene chloride can cause serious health issues that include skin problems and respiratory issues. Because of these problems, the professionals would use appropriate PPE for paint stripping. Let us discuss the components of a typical PPE.

Respirators: These self-contained respirator units are designed to provide alternative respiratory provisions that are safe. These devices come in handy in settings where other ventilation provisions are not able to reduce exposure to methylene chloride. These respirators make sure that all the professionals who are into paint removal get enough respiration for the entire stretch of their shift.

Face Protection: Workers who are into paint removal would wear goggles and a full-face covering mask. In settings where the methylene chloride exposure is at the permissible level, painting professionals do not need any such face protectors.

MC Resistant gloves: Since methylene chloride (MC) can cause corrosion to a wide range of materials, it is imperative that professionals put on MC-resistant gloves. Generally, these gloves are made up of polyethylene or ethylene vinyl alcohol, as nitrile or latex gloves do not provide adequate protection.

MC-Resistant Clothing: The employers who are into paint stripping must provide enough coveralls. That is because the outer layers of this clothing are exposed to MC. However, they have the liberty of wearing regular clothing.

So you see, you need these protective gears for paint removal—something that is unlikely for you to have. That is the reason, you must hire professionals for paint removal. Bristol Blast Away is the best name to turn to for paint removal. Call us to book our service.